Thursday 16 February 2012

Doi cai frumosi


Andrei said...

Foarte faină prima, Adrian. :)

Molly said...

A long walk in the snow. I love these pictures

Butch said...

We've been getting the reports of the weather in Romania but I hadn't seen anything from you. Figured you may have been snowed in or froze in with the super cold you are having. Stay warm and keep safe. Love your photos. These two included.

Anonymous said...

poazele tale nu inceteaza sa ma uimeasca ! Felicitari !

Vasile Dumitru said...

Ca "omul" se uita la camera... e normal!
Dar ambii cai "trag cu ochiul" spre obiectiv! Cu ce le-ati atras privirea?

Roxana said...

Superbe fotograii!

Sérgio Pontes said...

Great photos

Tomi said...

Nici nu aveţi idee cât vă admir si cât mă inspiraţi. Vă mulţumesc!